GAIMIN Delivers a Decentralized Approach to the Increasing Requirement for More Data Processing Power

With the current concerns around global energy usage, combined with increasing requirements for data processing services, many countries previously supportive of centralized data processing businesses are investigating the impact of these businesses and how they mitigate a requirement for continuous energy distribution to all sectors – commercial and private. Data processing services consume large amounts of energy in a localized physical space. The combination of energy consumption and physical footprint expansion is impacting the continuous and uninterrupted distribution of energy creating an unsustainable demand from both the commercial and private sectors. To ensure continuous availability across all markets, countries are limiting supply, terminating supply or stopping new operating licenses. However, demand for data processing requirements is not diminishing, it is growing and so alternative data processing solutions are required.

Spreading energy consumption with decentralized data processing networks

Global, decentralized data processing is the way forward. Creating a decentralized, global data processing network, interconnected through Internet technology is one approach to solving the centralized data processing problem. Harnessing processing devices into one network, with supercomputer performance, facilitates the delivery of large scale data processing requirements whilst spreading the consumption of processing energy, globally. This approach creates a greener, more ecologically compliant approach to energy consumption for data processing services, spreading processing capability through different countries and regions, mitigating energy consumption bottlenecks, and resolves supply problems through the ability to re-route network processing.

Harnessing the power of a GPU

GAIMIN has created a data processing network with supercomputer level performance by harnessing the underutilized processing power found in high performance PC-based Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Following research, GAIMIN identified gaming PC’s as the most appropriate device to target to create the GAIMIN distributed data processing network as a gaming PC typically includes a high performance GPU, the GPU is underutilized (a gaming PC is typically only used for around 4 hours per day for gaming, but remains switched on when not being used) and is continually upgraded by the gamer to improve their gameplay, resulting in even greater performance available from the devices.

GAIMIN – Generating revenue, delivering benefit

The GAIMIN business model is based around a large number of users downloading the GAIMIN application and allowing their devices to be incorporated into the GAIMIN data processing network to deliver distributed data processing services. Based on research, the PC gamer is the key demographic for a GAIMIN application user. As such, GAIMIN’s approach is to target gamers and the market sectors in which gamers participate to create brand awareness and ultimately, application download and participation in the GAMIN data processing network. As a company was set up by gamers, for gamers, GAIMIN identifies the importance of correctly targeting a gamer, delivering a gamer what they want to improve and enhance their gaming experience, whilst creating a business based on a gamer’s technology and their involvement in the GAIMIN community.

Brand Awareness = User Acquisition

With a focus on user acquisition, GAIMIN is implementing strategies to create brand awareness across a number of gaming sectors, with a specific focus on esports. Esports is a high-growth area with popular esports games having millions of followers across a number of genres. GAIMIN has recently established GAIMIN Gladiators, an esports community and group of teams participating in the DOTA2, Counter Strike Offensive, Rainbow 6 Siege, Pokemon Unite and Rocket League leagues. GAIMIN Gladiator’s roster of players have been selected due to their skills and expertise, and are trained by skilled and experienced players, attending regular bootcamps to improve their performance and skills.

GAIMIN Gladiators

GAIMIN Gladiators was only formed in January 2022 however in the first 3 months, the teams have already successfully competed in a number of tournaments and events, improving their rankings and moving forward into higher level tournaments.

With a strong social media presence and a rapidly increasing social media following, especially within the Discord and Telegram communities, GAIMIN are rapidly exceeding brand awareness expectations and creating an excited community ready to download and run the GAIMIN application when it is fully released. User monetization and rewards

GAIMIN generates revenue primarily from application users participating in the GAIMIN data processing network and monetizing their devices. GAIMIN pays upto 90% of the revenue generated back to the user and retains 10% for its operations. The more users participating in the GAIMIN network, the more revenue generated by GAIMIN and the more is returned back to users.

GAIMIN monetizes the data processing network through the delivery of different data processing services. Currently the primary monetization approach is the powering of blockchain computations, however GAIMIN has successfully trialed video rendering, which is more profitable.

Using AI to maximise rewards

GAIMIN’s AI driven approach determines the current device availability, creates the data processing network and allocates the processing network to different monetization functions depending on performance availability and the most profitable monetization option available at the current time. For example, this could be video rendering services, it could be powering blockchain computations, it could be something else! GAIMIN are currently researching other uses for the GAIMIN distributed data processing network and intend to launch new mechanisms to monetize devices in the future.

GMRX – GAIMIN’s own cryptocurrency

GAIMIN pays its users in GMRX, GAIMIN’s own cryptocurrency. When a user monetizes their device, GAIMIN receives payment for the delivery of services in a number of different ways – fiat and crypto for example, and returns upto 90% of the rewards generated back to the user in the consolidated GMRX crypto currency. A user stores their GMRX, which can be used for the purchase of accessories, merchandise, in-game assets and NFTs. As GMRX is soon to be listed on crypto exchanges, a user can convert their GMRX into other crypto assets or fiat currency.

As you would expect, GAIMIN wants its users to retain their GMRX and use it for purchases through GAIMIN. GAIMIN incentivises GMRX holders to retain their GMRX through additional benefits, bonuses and discounts, including NFTs, bespoke merchandise, discounted accessories.


NFTs are an interesting proposition. The current market trend and philosophy around NFTs is to create unique NFTs, sell them at a high price and support the secondary market in reselling NFTs at a profit. GAIMIN is taking a different approach. As a gaming company, GAIMIN perceives the benefit of a NFT to be owned by an individual and re-used across a number of different games and platforms that support NFT and blockchain technology. GAIMIN has developed GAIMCRAFT – GAIMIN’s approach to augmenting games to incorporate blockchain technology and NFT components into gameplay, either through the development of dedicated metaverse environments for games, such as Minecraft, or through the development of SDK’s to allow game developers to incorporate blockchain and NFT technologies into their games. GAIMCRAFT takes gaming NFTs to the next level through the implementation of interoperable NFTs which can be reused across different games but will morph depending on the game in which they are being used. The morphing of the NFT will be dependent on the in-game utilisation and could be as simple as a “re-skinning” of the NFT, a more graphically intensive design for the NFT, or it could be a complete change in the asset – for example, a sword in one game could be a flower in another game.

NFT Acquisition

GAIMIN will sell NFTs in its marketplace at a low cost to enable users to build their NFT asset repository at a low cost. As an example, a user with a mid-range GPU could expect to earn $1 per day when active in the GAIMIN network. GAIMIN intends to create in-game NFTs for $1 or less, enabling a gamer to build their own repository of in-game interoperable NFTs to support their gameplay. Being interoperable, the NFTs can be re-used across different games and genres and take a form and operational structure relevant to the game.

Medium and higher cost NFTs, which have enhanced utility and attributes, will be minted but require the user to remain participating in the GAIMIN network until they have earned sufficient rewards to acquire a more expensive asset.

User Incentivization

GAIMIN will incentivise users to retain GMRX, spend it on GAIMIN products and services and actively continue to participate in the GAIMIN monetization network. GAIMIN wants utility based NFTs to be widely available and used, rather than held for investment and growth.

GAIMIN grows its user community through brand building

GAIMIN will create a community that engages in brand-building events; a community that can easily acquire in-game assets, builds an extensive repository of interoperable, in-game NFTs and is rewarded for their participation and retention of GAIMIN branded and GAIMIN generated assets through the use of GMRX which is designed to have value and reward holders for use within GAIMIN and GAIMCRAFT.

No Gamer Left Behind

As GAIMIN’s monetization approach is multi-functional and not based on one aspect (such as mining), GAIMIN has created a number of user-retention mechanisms. Traditional mining-based monetization options typically focus on one approach – mining, where the value of user rewards are dependent on the hashpower contributed by the user. The greater the performance of a device, the greater the hashpower contributed, the greater the reward. This discriminates against users who do not have high performance devices! GAIMIN’s multi-functional monetization approach implements a variety of mechanisms reward users for participating in the GAIMIN network. This includes rewards based on hashpower however to ensure no gamer is left behind, GAIMIN has introduced other approaches to reward a user – for example, time (hours) connected to the GAIMIN network – the longer a device remains active on the network, the more hours the user builds to allow them to claim different NFT assets and rewards. This approach is unique to GAIMIN and sets GAIMIN apart from the perceived competition whose focus and reward is purely based on hashpower.

GAIMIN’s philosophy of “no gamer left behind” is designed to allow as many gamers as possible to earn rewards and enhance their gaming experience and does not just reward those users who have highly performing devices.

For more information on GAIMIN Gladiators click on this link:

For more information on GAIMIN click on this link:

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